Heart Voice Yoga and Meditation

"Working Towards World Peace - One Nervous System at a Time."

Weekly Classes

  • Tuesday
  • 8.15am-9.15am Meditation at Change Yoga, Scullin.
  • 9.30am-10.30am SoulFlow yoga at Change Yoga, Scullin.
  • Thursday
  • 9.30am-10.30am GentleFlow yoga at Change Yoga, Scullin.

  • Variable times and days for Live Events on the Insight Timer app.
  • Here's a sample of what you can find in my Insight Timer library.
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  • Louise Baird Heart Voice

Workplace Yoga & Meditation

  • The benefits of yoga, meditation and mindfulness practices are now well documented, and include:
    • improved physical and mental health and overall wellbeing;
    • reduced stress and increased resilience;
    • enhanced focus and clarity;
    • positively affected decision-making;
    • boosted creativity through focus, idea generation and flexible thinking;
    • improved task performance: and
    • improved interpersonal relationships.
  • Chair yoga, as the name suggests, is yoga using a chair. It is a way for making the benefits of a yoga practice more readily accessible to a wide range of people in a wide range of settings. Chair yoga is great for people with injuries, illnesses, disabilities, and the elderly. It’s also a really effective way for people to have access to the benefits of yoga in contexts where time and space are limited, such as workplaces and schools.
  • Workplace studies demonstrate positive physical and mental health outcomes for workers who participate in yoga and meditation at work (see for example Glomb et. al. 2011; Hartfiel et. al. 2011; Hartfiel 2012; and Wolever et. al. 2012).
  • Offering chair yoga, meditation and mindfulness are evidence-based methods that workplaces can utilise to work towards meeting Australian Work Health and Safety Legislation, improving the health and wellbeing of everyone within their organisation.
  • Tailor made programs and courses in meditation, chair yoga or a combination of chair yoga and meditation are available. Contact me to see how I can support your organisation.
  • Recent organisations I've delivered chair yoga and meditation to include University of Canberra for staff planning and student wellbeing, Goodwin Aged Care as part of a staff appreciation day, and Marymead CatholicCare for parents of children with autism.
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  • Louise Baird Heart Voice
  • References
  • Glomb, Theresa M., Michelle K. Duffy, Joyce E. Bono and Tao Yang. 2011. Mindfulness at Work. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management. DOI: 10.1108/S0742-7301(2011)0000030005
  • Hartfiel N, Havenhand J, Khalsa SB, Clarke G, Krayer A. 2011. The effectiveness of yoga for the improvement of well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 37(1): 70-76.
  • Hartfiel, N., C. Burton, J. Rycroft-Malone , G. Clarke, J. Havenhand, S. B. Khalsa5 and R. T. Edwards. 2012. Yoga for reducing perceived stress and back pain at work. Occupational Medicine. 62: 606-612. DOI: 10.1093/occmed/kqs168
  • Wolever, R. Q., Bobinet, K. J., McCabe, K., Mackenzie, E. R., Fekete, E., Kusnick, C. A., & Baime, M. (2012). Effective and viable mind-body stress reduction in the workplace: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17(2), 246–258. DOI: 10.1037/a0027278

    Private Sessions

    • Looking for individually tailored support? I can put together a private program or course suited to your individual needs, choosing from physical yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation and mindfulness, and/or Ayurvedic lifestyle coaching. Contact me for more information.
    • Here are a couple of testimonials from private yoga and meditation clients:
      • "Louise took the time to understand my needs and tailored a prenatal yoga class that was the perfect balance for my stage of pregnancy. Louise has a beautiful calming way of teaching, and took the time to explain concepts and poses and the benefits these had for my pregnancy. I can’t wait to do another class with Louise as part of my pregnancy and preparation for birth." Kristen
      • "I studied meditation privately with Louise and I was hesitant at first. I had dabbled in meditation, but didn’t really have a consistent routine and didn’t understand how it ‘should work’. Louise’s warmth, knowledge and personal experience helped me settle in and the experience completely changed the way I look at meditation. I now have a regular practice and the benefits are more than I had hoped for. We are all on different journeys, with challenges and surprises. Meditation helps keep an even keel and brings so many opportunities for joy and connection. Highly recommended." Emma Williams
    • Louise Baird Heart Voice

    Where You Can Find Me

    • You can find me teaching in person at Change Yoga and Wellness Studio; online over the Insight Timer app; by appointment in your organisation, or privately contact me.
    • At Change Yoga and Wellness Studio in Scullin, you can find me teaching Meditation, SoulFlow (based on yin/yang style) and GentleFlow (accessible mat yoga) on a weekly basis.
    • On the largest meditation app in the world - Insight Timer  - I lead live events, such as chair yoga; have courses; and have a range of practices available in my library, including guided meditation, breathwork, and crystal singing bowls, from short practices to support in moments of overwhelm, to longer practices to deepen into.
    • Here's what some of my yoga students have had to say about my classes:
      • "Louise is a sensitive, purposeful and observant teacher. She is welcoming and accepting of everyone. She gently leads challenges and celebrates your physical abilities and is a wonderful teacher. You will feel welcome and wonderful afterwards and throughout!" Stella

        "Louise is a beautiful teacher. Her classes are calming and invigorating. Louise always provides exactly what I need and her classes are always some of my favourites each week. Louise is a kind, sincere and gentle, beautiful person and soul." Emma M.
      • "Louise’s calm and confident voice leads my practice and sets the scene for a serene and gentle experience. I always walk away feeling rejuvenated." Kat
      • "Louise makes me feel welcome and included in class. She brings a calm, inviting presence to practice and makes me feel peaceful and enough." Chloe
      • "Louise's yoga classes always make me feel relaxed and ready to start the day. I'm always smiling and feeling great whenever I leave the class." Nicholas
      • "It’s too hard to put into words how valuable Louise’s yoga classes are." Anne H.
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    • Here's what people are saying about some of the meditation practices in my library on Insight Timer:
      • "Lovely relaxation and visualisation. Very relaxing and a beautiful place to visit in guidance." Robyn M.
      • "Beautiful guided practice!" Claudine G.
      • "So beautifully guided and wonderfully relaxing!" Karen
      • "Just what I needed this afternoon. Another beautiful meditation. Thank you, Louise." Holly S.
      • "Loved the gentle settling in and warm invitation to be with and explore the breath. Thank you!" Tim J.
      • "Thank you. Short and effective. Loved it!" Grace G.
      • "I found this guidance so grounding and the body awareness scan especially able to connect deeply.
        Beautiful space of awareness to sit in and with quiet surrender." Robyn M.

    About Louise

    • My name is Louise Baird. I’m a mother, linguist, as well as a yoga and meditation teacher based in Canberra, Australia. I love learning, both formally and experientially, and commit myself fully to everything I take on. From a young age I was fascinated by the diversity of people and the many ways in which they view the world, and how they express those views through different languages and cultures. This led me into the wonderful world of linguistics. I have a Bachelor's degree in Asian Studies from The Australian National University, a Master's degree in Teaching Languages from the University of Canberra, and a PhD in Linguistics, also from The Australian National University.
    • I have had the privilege to work with communities on their endangered languages on the islands of Flores and Alor in Indonesia, and with the Ngunnawal community in and around Canberra on language revival. I have undertaken research at Leiden University in the Netherlands, and The Australian National University. I have taught language and linguistics in a range of settings including universities, the public and private sector, within community groups, and to private individuals.
    • I began practicing yoga in 1997, during a particularly stressful period of study. Since then, I have been continuously learning, growing, and using varied yogic tools such as physical postures, breathwork, and meditation to support myself through the ups and downs of life. I have been teaching yoga and meditation - in person and online - since 2019. I am qualified to teach meditation and a range of yoga styles including Hatha, Yin, Restorative, Prenatal and Chair yoga, as well as Ayurvedic health coaching. Based on challenges in my own life, and with so many people living with chronic stress, I am drawn to teach calming and gentle practices. I am an accredited Mental Health Aware Yoga Teacher, and I have professional memberships with both Yoga Australia and Meditation Association of Australia.
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    • Louise Baird Heart Voice
    • Louise Baird Heart Voice


    • I'd love to hear from you! Please use the following form to get in touch and let me know how I can support you.
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    Louise Baird Heart Voice

    Dhawura nguna dhawura Ngunnawal. I acknowledge I live and work on Ngunnawal country. I pay respect to the country, culture, language and people, especially the Ngunnawal Elders. I would also like to extend my respect to the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which you live, wherever you may be in the world.